- Metatron에서는 Engine을 위한 2가지 Console을 제공합니다.
- Metatron Discovery 내부의 Conosle
- Metatron Engine(Druid)에서 기본적으로 제공해주는 Console (Console 설치를 위해서는 Kafka가 필요합니다. druid에 설정에 kafka 경로를 넣어야 합니다)
Console URI¶
druid overlord - http://OVERLORD-HOST:8090/console.html druid coordinator - http://COORDINATOR-HOST:8081 druid broker - http://BROKER-HOST:8082
Connecting metatron Discovery¶
After the cluster setup, you need to add or update the configuration as shown below to connect with discovery.
- polaris.engine: The setting used for connecting each druid node.
- polaris.ingestion: The setting used for copying files to the middle manager on ingestion stage.
- polaris.query: The setting used when the file download & loads the data source.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 polaris: engine: hostname: broker: http://{BrokerHostName}:8082 overlord: http:// {Overlord Master HostName}:8090 coordinator: http:// {Coordinator Master HostName}:8081 ingestion: loader: remoteType: SSH localBaseDir: ${} remoteDir: ${} hosts: middlemanager_hostname01: port: 22 username: metatron password: password middlemanager_hostname02: port: 22 username: metatron password: pem:/tmp/metatron.pem query: loader: remoteType: SSH localBaseDir: ${} remoteDir: ${} hosts: broker_hostname01: port: 22 username: metatron password: password
※ ‘middlenamanager_hostname’ must match the hostname in the worker list on overload console.